Just when i was complaining that we didn't celebrate our V-day last year, Hubby told me that he already know where to bring me since the beginning of last month.
But 2 weeks ago during our MJ session, i casually bring up the topic of USS again, asking if the guys wanna go then we can have a group outing. Then just when everyone started showing their interests, he reluctantly told us that he actually plan to bring me there on V-day and asked why i always 'pau his kang tao'... Hahaaaaa.... Of course i did not know of it beforehand but it somehow struck me to prompt that topic out of the blue. In fact, i always managed to pau kang tao every time he plan a surprise. Don't know is it we got telepathy between us so i always can sensed or guess where he is planning to bring me. lol =X
Anyway, we finally went to Universal Studio yesterday. Just the 2 of us. No more surprise but i'm happy!
Watched a 4D animated movie of Shrek which is super entertaining.
There are a lots more interesting rides and attractions but either they were still under construction or i dare not take those super scary roller coasters rides. Overall i love USS cos i felt like a tourist and it feels so out of the world when I'm there. <3>
After 5 hours in there, i could barely feel my legs anymore. Decided to go to Vivo City for dinner and hoping to buy tickets for any movie.
Watched Just "Just go with it" by Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. A great Valentine day movie. =)

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