Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I really wonder what is wrong with these people... Recently the internet has been flooded with videos and news of animals being tortured/abused/killed in the most horrible ways. Every time when i saw posts of videos being uploaded by friends in my facebook, i would hesitate to watch it.

All these animals are so harmless, small and cute. Why did these people want to harm it? Not like the animals possess any threat to the people.

Some of the horrifying news:
- puppies being thrown into a river
- chinese woman killing cat with heels
- a group of girls killing bunnies
- a stray dog being badly abused by foreign worker
- 'sushi' the puppy being abused by a malaysian guy

Most of them i could not even bear to watch all of it, not to mention some which i do not even have the courage to open it. It is really saddening to see such news or videos and i know there is no way we can prevent such thing from happening.

The latest saga is on the puppy being abused by the owner was creating havoc on the internet. Once the video was being uploaded, it created a uproar and many people started hunting down the suspects and up to date, most of the details have been furnished to the respecting authority.

I really hope the 2 cruel abuser will be apprehended soon, and i hope he will be paraded in public so that we can bash him up. Make them do hand stand, half squats for hours? Kick , slap or cane them with spiky rod should they fall down or cannot do it right? Make them suffer the same fate as the poor puppy.