Attended Robin's birthday party @ Dbl O on 14th March, the last time i stepped into it was on Weifeng's birthday 2 years ago. =.="
Not much changes to that place except for a newly added smoking room and lesser crowd. Maybe people like me who used to 'frequent' (few times a yr) it have outgrown that place and have moved on to places who welcome senior citizens like us (St James).
We were ushered to our table and served our drinks (A bottle of Bacardi, A bottle of sparkling wine & 2 bottles of Henessy). Robin, Albert, Bao Qiang, Thomas, Kristin & myself helped ourselves to the sparkling wine and Bacardi before the rest arrived. Soon, Weifeng, Pat, TianDe, Shu Yi arrived after watching a soccer match by Man U n Liverpool. Vincent and Yvonne joined shortly too after their meal and as usual Ms Ting Ting is the last to arrive again. =P
When everyone is here, we began our usual silly finger guessing games. I wonder am i really so unlucky or they just love to see me drink. I down 3 glasses of Henessy consecutively loh =.=" but when more people joined in the games i was saved. All drinks were finished pretty fast but gladly no one was drunk. =)
Everyone of us left Dbl O happily at 3am. Been a long time since i had so much fun with this group of buddies. =) Looking forward to more meet up.
Photos taken......

Buddies for 12 Years

Ting & Me with Robin trying to steal the scene =.="

Yvonne & Me (Is she too tanned or am i too fair??) =P
*Didn't managed to take much photos as we dumped all our cameras n belongings into the locker area before we head down to the dance floor. =) *
Tataz .....
Tataz .....
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