@#%@! ...........
I guess i really have no luck with electronics product recently or that they really hate me. I purchased a new Acer 1700 desktop to replace my old HP pavilion for my office use and it is giving hell lots of problem. 100 times more than the lao kok kok HP one, i thought i was really capable as i managed to fix and set up the pc on my own. But within 15minutes the problem surfaced, no internet connection could detected.

Naturally i will think it must have got something to do with Singtel so i called em' up and check. After some check over at their side, they still could not detect any problem. Since my sis is able to connect to the internet so it should not be the wireless problem, tried calling Acer but i was put on hold to wait for so long that i actually fell asleep on my desk.. ZZzzz...
Tried calling up Singtel again and this time they divert me to the agent for Mio Box router department. I have to paid $180 + 7% GST to send an engineer to come to my site to check what is wrong.
ME: "What if it has got nothing to do with the wireless network or the router?"
ENGINEER: "I will input a fixed IP address into my pc so it can still be connected. "
1 hour plus later
ENGINEER: "Even after inputting a fixed IP address, your PC still cannot get any connection, so i guess it must be your PC prob. =.="
ME: "Do i have to pay since you cant get it working?"
ENGINEER: "Errrmm... you have to check with our sales dept"
ME: %$#@@!
In the end, i called up ACER and finally someone answered my call and arranged to send someone down the following day.
Finally the bloody PC is working fine after 5 freaking days. Imagine the amount of work i piled up cos of this stupid problem.
NO internet = cannot access systems to do invoicings
NO internet = no network so Xerox people cannot set up my printer via networking = Lots of pending documents to be printed.
NO internet = HELL
SO if you think this is the trouble i got from electronics ............ NO............
I went to the IT show 2009 @ Suntec on Thursday and got myself a Sony Vaio TZ at a good deal.
I was so happy and excited and immediately set it up when i reached my office, however halfway through the set up i gotta go for a meeting. That stupid meeting took 2 hours and by the time i returned i assumed that my lappie should be ready to be used le but NO loh. It was still hanging at the set up page, i decided to switch it off as it is almost time to knock off already.
The lappie hang shortly after i set it up, so i thought it must be either i did something wrong while setting up or is due to the improper shut down earlier. I decided to run the recovery using the disc given, however i fail to check carefully. That disc is a recovery disc for Windows XP Professional whereas my default system is the Windows Vista Business. So meaning to say, i actually reformatted my pc and changed it from Vista to XP. It isn't a big problem as i do not really mind using a XP but the problem is..... All the programs and devices are removed from my lappie. ARGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!
I called up the dealer and they say i got to bring it down to their shop so they will fix it for me, so yeah... i brought it down with Hubby and Hz accompanying me. I was told to wait for at least 2 hours so we went over to collect our free home theatre system when we purchased a TV sometime ago.
The 3 of us then went to Tao's for dinner, as usual.... Good food, good service and a very bloated stomach! =)

2 hours later........
Went back to Funan It Mall to collect my lappie, and was told that the harddisk of that lappie is faulty and they will replaced a new one for me. However they do not have any white Tz at the moment so i gotta go back the next day! WTF !!!!!!! Another problematic lappie... Why am i so suay to be facing so much problem with electronics ?? 2 in 2 weeks ... I swear not to but any more electronics product for the moment until they decide to like me again! $!!$#%$#@
I guess i really have no luck with electronics product recently or that they really hate me. I purchased a new Acer 1700 desktop to replace my old HP pavilion for my office use and it is giving hell lots of problem. 100 times more than the lao kok kok HP one, i thought i was really capable as i managed to fix and set up the pc on my own. But within 15minutes the problem surfaced, no internet connection could detected.

Naturally i will think it must have got something to do with Singtel so i called em' up and check. After some check over at their side, they still could not detect any problem. Since my sis is able to connect to the internet so it should not be the wireless problem, tried calling Acer but i was put on hold to wait for so long that i actually fell asleep on my desk.. ZZzzz...
Tried calling up Singtel again and this time they divert me to the agent for Mio Box router department. I have to paid $180 + 7% GST to send an engineer to come to my site to check what is wrong.
ME: "What if it has got nothing to do with the wireless network or the router?"
ENGINEER: "I will input a fixed IP address into my pc so it can still be connected. "
1 hour plus later
ENGINEER: "Even after inputting a fixed IP address, your PC still cannot get any connection, so i guess it must be your PC prob. =.="
ME: "Do i have to pay since you cant get it working?"
ENGINEER: "Errrmm... you have to check with our sales dept"
ME: %$#@@!
In the end, i called up ACER and finally someone answered my call and arranged to send someone down the following day.
Finally the bloody PC is working fine after 5 freaking days. Imagine the amount of work i piled up cos of this stupid problem.
NO internet = cannot access systems to do invoicings
NO internet = no network so Xerox people cannot set up my printer via networking = Lots of pending documents to be printed.
NO internet = HELL
SO if you think this is the trouble i got from electronics ............ NO............
I went to the IT show 2009 @ Suntec on Thursday and got myself a Sony Vaio TZ at a good deal.

The lappie hang shortly after i set it up, so i thought it must be either i did something wrong while setting up or is due to the improper shut down earlier. I decided to run the recovery using the disc given, however i fail to check carefully. That disc is a recovery disc for Windows XP Professional whereas my default system is the Windows Vista Business. So meaning to say, i actually reformatted my pc and changed it from Vista to XP. It isn't a big problem as i do not really mind using a XP but the problem is..... All the programs and devices are removed from my lappie. ARGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!
I called up the dealer and they say i got to bring it down to their shop so they will fix it for me, so yeah... i brought it down with Hubby and Hz accompanying me. I was told to wait for at least 2 hours so we went over to collect our free home theatre system when we purchased a TV sometime ago.
The 3 of us then went to Tao's for dinner, as usual.... Good food, good service and a very bloated stomach! =)

2 hours later........
Went back to Funan It Mall to collect my lappie, and was told that the harddisk of that lappie is faulty and they will replaced a new one for me. However they do not have any white Tz at the moment so i gotta go back the next day! WTF !!!!!!! Another problematic lappie... Why am i so suay to be facing so much problem with electronics ?? 2 in 2 weeks ... I swear not to but any more electronics product for the moment until they decide to like me again! $!!$#%$#@
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