She is really really great man! She didn't miss a single key throughout the whole 3 hour concert and her vocal & performance was amazing. The Indoor Stadium was fully packed and you could even spot uncles and aunties around.
She sang many nice songs and many of which most of us would sing during KTV....
The atmosphere at the Indoor Stadium was so high when A Mei started asking everyone to stand up and dance along with her. Most of them including those uncles and aunties were sporting enough to do as told. OK... I admit i am one of them too !!!! =P
I actually took over hundreds over photos but as most of them were not very clear or sharp therefore i am posting some of them best taken one!! My sister went to change the setting of the camera otherwise i could have took nicer pictures loh !! Grrrrrr........
Pictures of the night !

The 'Golden' Tickets that cost $161 each.....
Happy Us !
Grand Entrance
The Star
High High High This is when she started singing all the sad love songs.......
Is she doing a Cyndie Wang's Dance??
Full House ..........
I am happy that i managed to capture this scene !! =)
The Grand Finale !!
Time to say good bye! =(
When the concert end @ 11.30pm...........
it is time to witness the most scary thing...
The Kiasu people started rushing to the exits as though there are freebies awaiting them! ! Not to mention leaving the car parks, most of them were vying to leave the car park first.
WHY????? *Shrug Shoulders*
We were stuck at our lot for quite sometime before we could leave that place, however i am thankful that i am sitting comfortably in the car instead of having to stand by the road to wait for a cab together with so many people or having to walk a distance to the bus stop.
The Post Concert Symptoms:
Buzzing sound in my ears which result from the loud music and crazy screaming from A Mei's fans !!! Hahahaa...
Had enough fun and it is time to go back to my books !! * YAWNs*
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