My precious dog would wake at 3 or 4 am daily and would come disturb me depriving me of my sleep. I would have to wake to check if she pee-ed on our beds or not, clean her up or to change the newspaper for her to do her business on. After which, i would have try very hard to put her to bed just like what my friends are doing taking care of their babies. I mean real human babies... having a dog is not easy, i felt like i am taking care of a new born baby now.
Initially when my doggie first joined my family, she slept in the living room. Very soon she started knocking, banging, crying or even barking on my door wanting to come into the air-conditioned room to sleep. I thought why not, so i let her in.......... Very soon, my sister and my bed became her 'spot' for her small and big businesses. =.="
After much effort to teach her, she finally learned to do her business on the newspaper. BUT..... she keep waking me up at wee hours!! Argh!! How ah?? Can i feed her sleeping pills so that she can sleep throughout the night? (I am just kidding!! hehee)
I am so sleepy now !!

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