Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Very Lazy Me...

Been feeling so lazy recently, lazy to work, lazy to blog, lazy to revise for exam, lazy to do anything, even feeling lazy to repaint the door when it has been vandalized by the artistic Loanshark's runners, and of course i wasn't the one who owe them money! Our neighbor did and we gotta suffer along with them!

Thanks to them that i spent 3 hours sanding off the old paint and re-coating the first layer. @$#^#@!! Left with a second layer and we will have a fresh new coat of paint waiting for the artists to display their talents again. Honestly i hope they will just leave us alone! Haiz!!! 冤有头债有主!!

Another 9 more days to my exam and as usual i am beginning to panic =P I have to clear this 2 papers of mine and get out of SIM! Wish me luck!! =)