Friday, February 26, 2010

Decision Making Period.....

Life not gonna be the same as before anymore, gotta start building everything up from scratch again. Can see that dad is happier with his choice (giving up part of his biz which he painfully build up) and so we can only give him our fullest support. Revenue definitely won't be as lucrative as before but we have got no choice too. Nevertheless, i believe we will all be happier cos we can all finally do something we are interested in. Finally i am a step closing to my dream! =)

Now is the period for us to make decision....

What are we gonna venture into? Will it be profitable? Where to open our shop at? Where to get cheapest supplies? How much do we need to start up?

The 'us' refer to my sister and i, we are gonna do a joint venture. I will be continuing to help my dad with his remaining biz at the same time... My bro already got his own partnership with friends which is currently doing ok so not much of a problem for him. So may everything goes smoothly for us ya! =X