I was stunned to learn that one would actually die of food poisoning after consuming Indian Rojak, once my favourite food. 0.o''
I thought we will usually suffer from abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea. Never ever thought that it would lead to death, not 1 by 3 as of today.
The first victim, 59 years old woman went into a coma and never woke since then, another victim was pronounced dead this morning. Another victim suffered from a miscarriage after eating Rojak from that stall. Other than the 3 of them, many others are hospitalized for food poisoning. I pray and hope they recover soon and not be taken away like those 3. Read case here.
*RIP-Madam Aminah, Madam SamijoNoraini Kasim and the unborn baby of Madam Rosiah Samat. *
The market will be closed for cleaning, up to date Bacteria in 2 Geylang food poisoning cases identified.
Haiz.... Gotta watch what i eat in future! =(

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