Been quite awhile since I last blogged... There are actually many stuff for me to blog about but i really don't know why i am just plain lazy to do so. =P
Sister celebrated her birthday almost half a month ago @ Minds Cafe, the turnout for her 21st party were as huge as my ROM loh.
My grandparents and auntie engrossed in there game...
Our turn at the game, trying hard not to let the monkeys drop
Next.. Stacko
This game seems interesting...
Match of Taboo... Who is the winner?
Family Picture
Another one
The Guests....
The Birthday girl <03.06.09>
Card from MindCafe, Wishes from everyone
Attended another birthday celebration on 05.06.09...
A few of us dine at Sakura Buffet followed by some game of pool.
Wei Feng the birthday boy

Pat & Wf
I don't know what is so funny... ??!

Cake drawn by me... (a lil too girly for a guy ya?)

Been a long long time since i last played this...

ZX, Hubby & Me

Till date the renovation work of my house is 70% ready, awaiting for all the carpentry work to be done up. Can't wait to see the final outcome of my house, estimated date of completion should be mid July.
Honestly........ 要建立一个家真的好不容易 and very expensive. However i believed everything and all money spent is gonna worth it =P